HCL Foundation under its Clean Noida Project celebrated Earth Day, 22nd April by conducting an activity based awareness session with approximately 500 school students of upper primary school located in Sector 5, Harola (an urban village), Noida. All the activities undertaken were designed to aware the children on the importance of our mother earth by inculcating a sense of waste management and cleanliness in our daily practices. The event began with a Role PlayActivity, where the different types of waste with their respective colour codes were explained using cut-outs continuing towards a race among 5 students where they were supposed to segregate the unsegregated waste and put them in the allocated colour coded bins leading towards a story telling session for the students to relax and imagine nature, greenery, water, flora – using the sensory inputs like the feel of touch of flower, leaf; smell of the flowers etc. and how it is inevitable for our lives.